Back land, to rear of 16-24 Hampton Road/First Cross Road.

The land behind 24 Hampton Road, formerly owned by fullers Brewery, was cleared by its new owner, of all shrubbery and ground cover some months ago. This effectively destroyed what had been an important local wildlife habitat, and an important part of the back land wild life corridor between First and Second Cross Road. This site had been left relatively undisturbed for over twenty years, and was home to mammals (including bats and hedgehogs), amphibians and invertebrates (including stag beetles).

The developer has now filed a planning application with the council, to remove five mature trees, including a magnificent mature and established eucalyptus.


Worryingly, in addition, the developer wants to reduce the crown of a second eucalyptus which has a Tree Protection Order placed upon, by 3 to 4 metres.

By destroying the habitat and removing the trees, the developer seems to be trying to ensure that the site has no ecological value. Why compromise the site in this way before a planning application for its use has been made?




Whilst the site is within the Twickenham Green Conservation Area, that does not protect habitat nor wildlife, only property. The developer is currently within their rights to do with the land as they wish. So far the developer has shown no interest in working with the local community.

However, the original Twickenham Green Study from March 1992, referring to the back land behind First Cross Road, gave Supplementary Planning Guidance for the council, “single new dwellings behind a main house in tandem are rarely acceptable”.

Loss of trees, especially in the light of the recent Cop26 conference is not to be taken lightly. We would urge you all to contact your councillors and make your feelings known. Please do reply to the council planning department on the following link:-

Closing date for comments is Friday the 24th of December 2021


It is time that we ask our councillors to look again at what we mean by the term ‘conservation area’.


Howard Roberts, Environment Officer, THE FRIENDS OF TWICKENHAM GREEN, 08/12/21.