Planning application number: 22/2417/FUL

Site address:- 24 Hampton Road Twickenham TW2 5QB



Objections must be submitted before 5th September.

As you will no doubt be aware this refers to the backland behind 18-22 Hampton Road, the former Fullers site, that was an important part of the wildlife corridor between First and Second Cross Roads.  Many local residents raised objections to the felling of trees on this site earlier this year.  Nearly all the trees were felled, and the shrubs cleared.  The sole remaining eucalyptus tree on the site has a Tree Protection Order upon it.


The developer has now submitted a plan to build three houses on the site. The whole area falls within the Twickenham Green Conservation Area.  


There are guidance notes on the planning application of what constitutes a valid objection, and with that in mind, should you wish to object to the development, you might want to consider some of the following.


VALID REASONS (from the council website)

  • Overlooking/loss of privacy Significant If you live adjacent to the site.
  • Adequacy of parking/loading/turning Is the access too narrow for fire engines and other emergency vehicles?
  • Loss of Trees Tree Protection Order on the eucalyptus must be observed. 
  • Roots must be protected during construction work, and the laying of service pipes.
  • Layout and density of building Is three dwellings on the site an overdevelopment?
  • Design, appearance and materials Are they appropriate for this site?
  • Road access Vehicles will have to cross the pavement to reach the site.
  • Previous planning decisions Similar proposal was refused in 1996  because of inadequate access.
  • Nature conservation The developer has already ecologically degraded this  once ecologically diverse site, which was until recently a breeding location for bats.  What
  • biodiversity benefits are to be put in place?

Howard Roberts, Environment office, THE FRIENDS OF TWICKENHAM GREEN, 19/08/22